Taking a Mental Health Day (or more) In The Mountains

women in the moutains

There’s been an increase in the number of adults who have symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia compared to years ago. We can think of one way to manage stress or mental health symptoms and that is to take a mental health day, specifically in the mountains! A mental health day is a day, or more, off from work to prioritize mental health and a recharge. Your main goal for those days is to reduce stress and burnout, essentially taking care of yourself.

Mental Health Day Benefits

Taking a step back from daily responsibilities for a short time can help you refocus and recharge your brain and body. Some of the benefits include;

  • Reduced feelings of burnout: Many people feel burned out at some point in their lives, whether it’s from being a caregiver to a loved one or work commitments. Dedicating time to focus on yourself can help you from feeling this way. 
  • Improved attitude: Recenter, experience gratitude, and improve your mood by focusing on things that make you happy.
  • Reduced isolation: Those who often feel burnt out also feel isolated and alone. Planning a trip to the mountains with family and friends can improve your mood as soon as you book with Reservations Unlimited. 
  • Prevention of mental health crisis: For people with mental health diagnoses like anxiety or depression, a mental health day can help prevent a crisis situation.
  • Increased productivity: Taking a step away from your work responsibilities and spending time in Red River can make you more productive and look forward to returning to work.
  • Improved physical health: When it comes to feeling overwhelmed, chronic stress can cause sleepless nights, digestive and heart health issues, and inflammation. It can also affect cancer and diabetes. Relaxing could decrease your stress levels and symptoms.

Mental health days aren’t just for adults. They can be great for children and teens as well. Protecting the mental health of our kids will only help them later in life.

Plan Your Mental Health Day!

A mental health day is much more than sleeping in, grabbing a latte, and scrolling social media all day while you lay in bed. These are great ways to waste your day away, but they are not ideal for a mental health day.

Instead, create a plan for the day so that you can stay on track. Here are a few things you can incorporate into your mental health day.

  • Unplug from social media: Spend time with your family instead of everyone sitting around wasting time on their phones. Be fully present in the moment and create memories in the mountains.
  • Get physical and be creative: After eating a healthy breakfast, spend half an hour doing yoga out on the patio while you watch for wildlife and take in the fresh mountain air. Take a walk through town and explore the area.
  • Spend time outdoors: Get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature that Red River has to offer. Pack a small backpack and head out for a hike. Middle Fork Lake is a great hike and will keep you busy and moving around for a whole day! Grab a burger from Shotgun Willie’s Cafe and head to Mallette Park for a lunch picnic while the kids run around and play on the playground.

This can be easier said than done, but you have to start somewhere to protect yourself. There are many other tools and resources available, but a mental health day in the mountains is the best thing for not only you but the whole family. What better time to take a mental health day to Red River than now? We have plenty of availability and hope to see you enjoying the mountains soon! Take a few days to relax, refresh, and recharge in the mountains.

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