Tips When Traveling to Red River with an Infant or Toddler

traveling with baby

Traveling hours away with a newborn or toddler sounds scary, doesn’t it? The thought of packing your whole house with baby items just for a short 4-day trip can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.  We have gathered some tips that can help your trip to Red River with an infant or a toddler so it can be a little less stressful.

Allow Extra Time When Traveling To Red River

It is important for you and the baby or toddler to take frequent breaks and get out of the car. You know your child’s cues before they become restless, so take note and stop to stretch and walk around before the toddler throws a fit or the baby becomes overwhelmed. Use this time for everyone to use the restroom, even if they say they don’t have to go. Change diapers and feed the infant while you’re stopped to stretch so that you don’t have to stop again 20 miles down the road. Keep in mind that the time it takes to breastfeed multiple times will add to your travel time and you may arrive at your destination later than you anticipated. Your trip will take longer and that is okay. Leave earlier than you normally would or split your trip into 2 days by staying in a hotel halfway.

When Traveling with a Baby or Toddler – Plan Your Stops Ahead of Time

It’s important to know how you will get to Red River from your house and plan where to stop for feedings, gas, and food. A few days before your trip, or even the day before, sit down and map out your route and where you want to stop. Especially breastfeeding mamas, you will need to stop somewhere to nurse every 2-3 hours depending on your infant. We know that things rarely go as planned, but it is nice to have a plan. 

Have Essentials Close By When Traveling

Pack the diaper bag and/or cooler within arm’s reach of an adult for easy access. This may include:

  • Diapers, wipes, changing pads, burp cloth, extra clothes, and bags to dispose of dirty diapers or dirty clothes.
  • Breastmilk (kept on ice) or formula for when it’s time to pull over and feed. A gallon of distilled water to make bottles for the baby.
  • Pacifiers, toys as well as teething toys, books, and a shusher if needed for them to fall asleep to.
  • SNACKS are essential not only for toddlers but for older kids as well. Pack a small bag of easy snacks and keep the bag within reach of an adult. This can save you time and money when it’s time to stop for gas. Load up on candy and snacks from Red River Candy Company for your drive home!

Travel When it Best Fits Your Child’s Schedule

Consider traveling early in the morning while your baby or toddler may still be sleeping or during their nap time. If your trip is a long one, then it may be best to drive during the night while they sleep. This all depends on the child, and it may vary between siblings as well.

Ask Reservations Unlimited for any Baby Items You May Need

Red River is a family-oriented town and kid-friendly. Here at Reservations Unlimited, we are kid-friendly too. At the office, we have a couple of pack-n-plays that we can place in your cabin FREE of charge if you need it. We can have this done before you arrive if you will call and let our office staff know. It is best to request something like this at the time of booking and to mention it again a few days before you arrive in Red River. The Bunkhouse is one of our in-town properties that has a pack-n-play, high chair, and a step stool already at the property for little guests.

Have an Adult Ride in the Backseat With the Baby

Trust us on this one! As long as you’re not one to get car sick sitting in the back seat, sit back there and entertain your baby during their “awake window” to keep them company and make things a little easier. Reading a book or talking to your infant can help buy you time until you get to your next stopping point.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler with kids or not, we hope these tips help you on your next trip to Red River. Do whatever works for you and your infant and/or toddler and we can’t wait to see you soon!

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